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The House Opposite: A Mystery Page 5
The House Opposite: A Mystery Read online
Page 5
"Is Mrs. Atkins ready?" I inquired of the pretty maid. Before shehad time to answer, I heard the frou-frou of silk skirts advancingrapidly towards me. The perfume I had already noticed grew still moreoverpowering, and the lady herself appeared. And an exceedingly prettylittle woman she proved to to be, too, with golden hair and cheeks thatrivalled the roses. Her large blue eyes were as innocent and, it wouldbe hypercritical to add, as expressionless as her sisters' of thetoy-shop. A white muslin garment, slashed in every direction to admit ofbands and frills of lace, enveloped her small person, and yards of blueribbon floated around her. Her tiny, dimpled fingers were covered withglittering rings, which, however, scarcely outshone her small pinknails. She beamed coquettishly at me, showing some very pretty, sharplittle teeth as she did so, and I found myself smiling back at her,completely forgetting the tragic errand I had come on.
"Oh, Doctor," she cried, in a high treble voice, "isn't it dreadful!They tell me that a poor man has been killed in the building, and I amso terrified at having to look at him! Must I really do so?" She wrungher hands in graceful distress.
"I'm afraid you must," I replied, smiling down at her.
"But you will go with me, won't you?" she begged.
"Certainly, dear Madam, and if your servants are also ready we hadbetter get it over immediately."
As the lady crossed the threshold of her apartment she tucked her handconfidingly into my arm, as if the support of the nearest man were herindisputable right, and, followed by the two servants, we proceededin this fashion down-stairs. Mr. Merritt met us on the landing, and,signing to the two girls to wait outside, ushered us into the room wherethe body lay.
As Mrs. Atkins caught sight of the dead man a great shudder shook herwhole body, and I felt the hand on my arm grow suddenly rigid. Sheneither screamed nor fainted, but stood strangely still, as if turned tostone, her eyes riveted on the corpse in a horrified stare.
"Mrs. Atkins?" inquired the Coroner.
She seemed incapable of answering him.
"Mrs. Atkins," he repeated, a little louder, "do you recognise thedeceased?"
This time she moved slightly and tried to moisten her grey lips. Atlast, with a visible effort, she slowly raised her eyes and glancedabout her with fear.
"No, no," she murmured, in a hollow voice.
"Mrs. Atkins, I must request you to look at the dead man again," thedetective said, fixing his eyes on her. "One of the elevator boys hasidentified the body as that of a gentleman who called on you on Tuesdayevening."
She raised her arm as if to ward off a blow, and moved slightly awayfrom me.
"I don't know the man," she said.
"You deny that he called on you on Tuesday evening?"
"I do," she answered, in a steady voice.
I saw that she was rapidly recovering her self-control, and I made up mymind that I had misjudged the little woman. Under that soft, childishexterior must lie an indomitable will.
"Do you deny that you received a man on that evening?" She glancedhastily at each of us before answering: "No."
"Oh, you did see a gentleman? Who was he?"
She hesitated a moment: "An old friend."
"Will you kindly tell us his name?"
"No! I won't have him mixed up in this."
"Madam," said the detective, "the deceased has been murdered, and--" Ashriek interrupted him.
"Murdered! Oh, no, no," she gasped, her eyes wide with terror.
"I regret to say that there is no doubt of it."
"But when,--how?" she demanded, in a trembling voice.
"On Tuesday night."
She drew a deep breath. The horror faded slowly from her face, andshe repeated with great composure, "Oh, Tuesday night," with a slightemphasis on the Tuesday.
The change in her was perfectly startling. She seemed calm,--almostindifferent.
"Have you discovered how he was murdered?" she inquired.
"Yes; he was stabbed through the heart by an instrument no larger than aknitting-needle."
"How strange," she exclaimed; "do you know who committed the crime?"
"Not yet," said the Coroner; "and now, Mrs. Atkins, I ask you again ifyou are quite sure that you have never seen the deceased before?"
"Yes," she answered, firmly.
"And you are willing to testify to this effect?"
"You are aware that the elevator boy has positively identified the bodyas that of your visitor?"
"I guess my word's as good as a nigger's," she said, with a defiant tossof her head.
"No doubt," replied the Coroner, politely; "but if you would tell usthe name and address of your friend we could look him up and be ableto assure the police of his safety, and so save you the disagreeablenecessity of appearing in court."
"In court," she repeated, with a horrified expression. Evidently thispossibility had not occurred to her, and she glanced hurriedly around asif contemplating immediate flight.
"Mrs. Atkins," said the detective, earnestly, "I do not think that yourealise certain facts. A man has been murdered who has been identified,rightly or wrongly, with your visitor. Now, no one saw your friend leavethe building, and it is our business to ascertain that he did so. Canyou tell us what became of him?"
A hunted expression came into her eyes, but she answered in a steadyvoice: "My friend left me at a little after eleven; he was going to takethe midnight train to Boston." She paused. "His name is AllanBrown--there, now!"
"Thank you, madam, and what is Mr. Brown's address in Boston?"
"I don't know."
"What was his address in New York?"
"I'm sure I don't know."
"Was he in any business?"
"I don't know," she answered, sullenly, with a glance at the door.
"Mrs. Atkins, you seem singularly ignorant about your friend,--your oldfriend."
"Well, I hadn't seen him for some years. He's a stranger in the city."
"Where is his home?"
"I don't know," she answered, impatiently.
"Are you a New Yorker, Mrs. Atkins?" inquired the detective.
"Ah, I thought not! And where do you come from?"
"Chicago? Indeed! I've been there some myself," Mr. Merritt continued,in a conversational tone. "Nice place. How long is it since you leftthere?"
"Six months," she answered, curtly.
"So it was in Chicago you knew your friend?"
"Yes," she admitted, with a slight start.
"And you are sure he didn't belong there?"
"Yes; but look here: why are you asking such a lot of questions abouthim? I've told you his name and where he's gone to, and if you can'tfind him that's your lookout."
"The consequences of our not being able to find him would be much moreserious for you than for me," remarked Mr. Merritt, quietly.
"Now, Mrs. Atkins," resumed the Coroner, "can you say in what particularMr. Brown differs from this dead man?"
"Oh, they're a good deal alike," she replied, fluently,--but I noticedthat she did not look in the direction of the corpse,--"only Mr. Brown'syounger, and not so heavy, and his nose is different. Still, the mandoes resemble Mr. Brown surprisingly. It gave me quite a shock when Ifirst saw him." It certainly had, only I wondered if that were the trueexplanation.
"Please tell us what you did yesterday."
"I went out in the morning and I came home at about half-past five."
"What were you doing during all that time?"
"Oh, several things; I called on some friends and did some errands."
"Your husband has been out of town, I hear?"
"When did he leave the city?"
"On Tuesday morning."
"When did he return?"
"Last night."
"At what time?"
"Half-past one."
"Where did he come from?"
"But surely the Boston train gets in a good deal earlier than that!" theCoroner exclaimed.
"Yes, there had been a delay owing to a slight accident on the line,"she reluctantly explained.
"Is Mr. Atkins often away?"
"Yes; he's out of town every week or so, on business."
"Thank you, Mrs. Atkins, that is all," the Coroner concluded, politely.But the lady was not so easily appeased, and flounced out of the roomwithout deigning to glance at any of us.
The detective slipped out after her--to call the maids, as he explained,but it was five or six minutes before he returned with the waitress.
After answering several unimportant questions, the girl was askedwhether she had ever seen the deceased before. "No, sir," she replied,promptly.
"Did anyone call on your mistress on Tuesday evening?"
"I can't say, sir; I was out."
"At what time did you go out?"
"At about a quarter to eight, sir."
"Where did you go to?"
"We went to a party at me sister's."
"Who do you mean by 'we'?"
"The cook and me, sir."
"Ah, the cook went out, too?"
"Yes, sir."
"Do you usually go out together?"
"No, sir."
"How did it happen that you did so on Tuesday?"
"Mr. Atkins, he was away, so Mrs. Atkins she said we might both go out."
"Mr. Atkins is often away from home, isn't he?"
"Yes, sir."
"How often?"
"About once a fortnight, sir."
"Has Mrs. Atkins ever allowed you both to go out together before?"
"No, sir."
"Where does your sister live, and what is her name?"
"Mrs. Moriarty, 300 Third Avenue."
The Coroner paused to scribble down the address, then resumed:
"At what time did you get back from the party?"
The girl tugged at her dress in some embarrassment. "It might have beenafter eleven," she reluctantly admitted.
"How much after--quarter past, half-past?" he suggested, as she stillhesitated.
"It was almost half-past, sir."
"And when you returned, did you see your mistress?"
"Oh, yes, sir."
"Was she alone?"
"Yes, sir," the girl answered, with some surprise.
"Did you notice anything unusual about her?"
"Well, sir, she'd been crying, and I never see her cry before."
"What did Mrs. Atkins say to you?"
"She scolded us for being so late," the girl answered shamefacedly.
"Was that all she said?"
"Yes, sir."
"Where was your mistress when you saw her?"
"She was lying on the sofy in her bed-room, tired like."
"What did Mrs. Atkins do yesterday?"
"She went out after breakfast and didn't come back till nearly six."
"How did she seem when she returned?"
"She'd been crying awful, and she just lay quiet and wouldn't eat nodinner."
"Do Mr. and Mrs. Atkins get along well together?"
"Oh, sir, they're that loving," she answered with a blush and a smile.
Again my curiosity got the better of my discretion, and I asked: "Didyou hear any strange noises during the night?"
The Coroner glared at me, but said nothing this time.
"Well," replied the girl, "me and Jane did think as we'd heard ascream."
Ha, ha, thought I, and I saw Mr. Merritt indulge in one of his quietsmiles.
"So you heard a scream," said the Coroner.
"I don't know for sure; I thought so."
"At what time did you hear it?"
"I don't know, sir; some time in the night."
"What did you do when you heard it?"
"Nothing, sir."
This was all that could be got out of her, so she made way for the cook,who, after being cross-questioned at some length, did no more thancorroborate the waitress's statement, only she was more positive ofhaving heard the "screech" as she called it.
"Could you tell whether it was a man or woman who screamed?" inquiredthe Coroner.
"It was a woman's voice, sir."
Mr. Stuart, who was next admitted, proved to be a small, middle-agedman, extremely well groomed, and whom I recognized as one of the membersof my Club, whose name I had never known. On being asked if he hadever seen the dead man before, he solemnly inserted a single eye-glassinto his right eye, and contemplated the corpse with the greatestimperturbability.
"So far as I can remember, I have never seen the man before," heanswered at last. After replying satisfactorily to a few more questions,he was allowed to retire, and his cook took his place. She was a large,stout woman about thirty years old, with a good deal of that coarseSouthern beauty, which consists chiefly in snapping black eyes, massesof dark hair, and good teeth. On catching sight of the corpse, she threwup her hands and uttered a succession of squeals, which she seemed toconsider due to the horror of the occasion, and then turned serenelytowards the Coroner, and with a slight courtesy stood smilingly awaitinghis questions.
"What is your name?" he inquired.
"Jeanne Alexandrine Argot," she replied.
"You are in the employ of Mr. Stuart?"
"Yes, sar. I 'ave been with Mr. Stuah, six a years, and he tell you----"
"Please look at the deceased, and tell me if you have ever seen himbefore?" the Coroner hastily interrupted.
"No, sar."
After answering a few more questions with overpowering volubility, shewithdrew, and her husband entered. He was a tall, vigorous man, withlarge hawk-like eyes, apparently a good deal older than his wife. Hebowed to us all on entering, and stood respectfully near the door,waiting to be spoken to.
"What is your name?" inquired the Coroner.
"Celestin Marie Argot."
"You work for Mr. Stuart?"
"Yes, sar; I am Meester Stuah's butlair."
"Look at this corpse, and tell me if you can identify it as that of anyone you know, or have ever seen?"
He now glanced for the first time at the body, and I thought I saw hisface contract slightly. But the expression was so fleeting that I couldnot be sure of it, and when he raised his head a few moments later heseemed perfectly composed and answered calmly: "I do not know ze man."
Apparently the Coroner was not completely satisfied, for he went on:"You know that this man has been murdered, and that it is your duty togive us any information that might lead to his identification. Haveyou seen any suspicious persons about the building during the last fewdays?"
"No, sar; nobody,"--but I thought he had hesitated an instant beforeanswering.
"You must see a good many people pass up and down the back stairs,"the detective remarked; "especially in this hot weather, when you mustbe obliged to leave the kitchen door open a good deal so as to get adraught."
The man cast a hurried, and I thought an apprehensive, glance at Mr.Merritt, and replied quickly: "Yes, sar; ze door is open almos' all zetime, but I 'ave seen nobody."
"Nobody?" repeated the detective.
"Yes, sar," Argot asserted, still more emphatically. "No vone, excep' zebutchair, ze bakair, and ze ozer tradesmen, of course."
"How early are you likely to open the kitchen door? To leave it open, Imean?"
"Oh, not till eight o'clock, perhap--Madame Argot, she stay indeshabille till zen."
"What time do you go to bed?"
"At ten o'clock generally, but some time eleven o'clock--evenmidnight--it depens."
"What time did you go to bed on Tuesday?"
"At eleven, sar."
"What had you been doing during the evening?"
"I had been at a restaurant wiz some friends."
"And when did you return?"
"At about half-pas' ten."
"Did you come in the back way?"
"Yes, sar."
"How did you get in?"
"My wife, she open ze door."
"And you saw nobody as you came in?"
He paused almost imperceptibly. "No, sar," he answered. But I was nowconvinced that he was holding something back.
"Very well; you can go," said the Coroner. The fellow bowed himself outwith a good deal of quiet dignity.
"I kinder fancy that man knows something he won't tell," said theCoroner. "Now, we've seen every one but the workmen," he continued,wearily, mopping his forehead. "I don't believe one of them knows athing; still, I've got to go through with it, I suppose," and going tothe door he beckoned them all in.
There were five of them, including the foreman, and they appeared to bequiet, respectable young men. After looking at the dead man intently forsome minutes, they all asserted that they had never laid eyes on himbefore.
"Now have any of you noticed during the three days you have been workinghere anybody who might have taken the key, kept it for some hours, andreturned it without your noticing it?" inquired the Coroner.
"We've seen no strangers," the foreman replied, cautiously.
"Who have you seen?" The foreman was evidently prepared for thisquestion.
"Well, sir, we've seen altogether six people: Jim, and Joe, and Tony,Mr. McGorry, Miss Derwent, and the Frinchman," he replied, checkingthem off on his fingers.
"When did the Frenchman come up here?"
"Yistidy morning, sir; he said he come to see the decorations, and hecome again about three; but he didn't stay long. I warn't a-going tohave him hanging round here interfering!"
"Did any of his actions at the time strike you as suspicious?"
"No, sir," acknowledged the foreman.
"And Miss Derwent; when did you see her?"
"I didn't see her myself in the morning, but he"--with a nod towards oneof the men,--"he saw her look in as she was waiting for the elevator,and in the afternoon she come right in."
"Did she say anything?"
"Yes, sir; she said the paint and papers were mighty pretty."
"When you saw Miss Derwent," said the Coroner, addressing the man whomthe foreman had pointed out, "what was she doing?"
"She was standing just inside the hall."
"Was her hand on the door knob?"
"I didn't notice, sir."
"Did the young lady say anything?"
"When she saw me a-looking at her, she just said: 'How pretty!' and wentaway."
"Have any of you seen Mr. or Mrs. Atkins, or either of their girls,since you have been working here?" They all replied in the negative.
The Coroner's physician turned up at this juncture, with many apologiesfor his late arrival, so, having no further excuse for remaining, I tookmy leave. The lower hall swarmed with innumerable reporters, trying toforce their way upstairs, and who were only prevented from doing so bythe infuriated McGorry and two or three stalwart policemen. On catchingsight of me they all fell upon me with one accord, and I only managed toescape by giving them the most detailed description of the corpse andprofessing complete ignorance as to everything else.